Embassies in crisis : studies of diplomatic missions in testing situations / edited by Rogelia Pastor-Castro, Martin Thomas. - x, 255 pages - Routledge studies in modern history . - Routledge studies in modern history. .

Embassies in crisis : diplomacy, communities, and conflicts / The British embassy in Paris and the fall of France / 'Abassador brawls with minister' : emotions and internal and external crisis at the French embassy to the Holy See / Keeping the flag flying : John Reeves and the British consulate in Macao, 1914-45 / Austrian diplomatic missions in crisis : from 1938 to the Cold War / The Mindszenty affair and the United States embassy in Budapest / British high commissioners in India and Pakistan, and the Kashmir conflict, 1947-49 / Crisis at the creation : the establishment of the first US embassy in Israel, 1947-49 / The US embassy in Saigon and the Dien Bien Phu crisis, 1954 / Hook, line and sinker : the British embassy in Cairo and Egypt's 'expulsion of Soviet advisors,' 1972 / Eyes off the prize? The British embassy in Tehran, 1976-79 / Crisis response in a twenty-first-century British embassy : Ukraine 2013-14 / Embassies responding to crisis : a practitioner's perspective / Martin Thomas -- Rogelia Pastor-Castro -- Karine Varley -- Richard Smith -- David Schriffl -- Mary Heimann -- Rakesh Ankit -- Lorena De Vita -- Alex Ferguson -- Isabella Ginor and Gideon Remez -- Alastair Noble -- Simon Smith -- Jane Marriott.

9780815357889 9781351123501

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019909128 Uk

Diplomatic and consular service.
Embassy takeovers.
Embassy buildings.
