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The road to somewhere :

Goodhart, David

The road to somewhere : the populist revolt and the future of politics / David Goodhart. - viii, 278 pages

INTRODUCTION: THE GREAT DIVIDE. 1. ANYWHERES AND SOMEWHERES The Decline (but not Disappearance) of Traditional Values; Higher Education and Mobility; The Great Liberalisation; The Outriders. 2. EUROPEAN POPULISM AND THE CRISIS OF THE LEFT What is Populism and Why it is Normal; America and Europe: The Populist Convergence; Populist parties: The Decent, the Weird and the Ugly; Why Populists Damage the Left Most. 3. GLOBALISATION, EUROPE AND THE PERSISTENCE OF THE NATIONAL World on the move?; The Globalisation Overshoot; The European Tragedy; The Persistence of the National. 4. A FOREIGN COUNTRY? The Immigration Story; What About Integration?; The London Conceit. 5. THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY AND ECONOMIC DEMORALISATION The Disappearing Middle; A Short History of Education and Training; Living Standards and Inequality; Short Termism and Foreign Ownership. 6. THE ACHIEVEMENT SOCIETY What is Actually Happening on Mobility?; Making it into the Elite. 7. WHAT ABOUT THE FAMILY? More State, Less Family; What do Women Want?; Supporting Partnerships in an Age of Male-Female Equality. 8. A NEW SETTLEMENT? Somewheres are not going; Anywhere Giving Somewheres Voice


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